8 Loans for Unemployed People in Nigeria

Unemployment is a problem that affects people all over the world, including in Nigeria. Unfortunately, being unemployed can make it difficult to access loans and other financial assistance.

Losing a job and not having one after graduation can be devastating for anyone, and the financial strain that comes with unemployment can be overwhelming. However, loans for unemployed people in Nigeria are available to help bridge the financial gap until you can secure another job.

In this post, we will explore eight loans that are available to unemployed people in Nigeria.

What are Loans for Unemployed

Loans for the unemployed are loans that are specifically designed to assist individuals who are currently unemployed and have no source of income. These loans can be used to cover a variety of expenses, including medical bills, utility bills, rent, and other necessary costs. Loans for unemployed individuals, unlike traditional loans, do not require proof of income or collateral, making them more accessible to those who are struggling financially. 

Can Unemployed People get Loans in Nigeria?

Yes, unemployed people in Nigeria can get loans from various financial institutions and lenders. Unemployed individuals, on the other hand, may find it more difficult to qualify for a loan than those with a steady income. In general, lenders will require borrowers to demonstrate their ability to repay the loan, either through a source of income or collateral. Unemployed people may need to provide alternative forms of income or collateral, such as a guarantor or a valuable asset, to increase their chances of getting a loan approved.

8 Loans for Unemployed People in Nigeria

Unemployment can happen to anyone, and it is important to have a backup plan to stay financially secure. While there are various types of loans available in Nigeria, not all of them are suitable for unemployed individuals.

It is important to understand the options available to you and choose the one that fits your financial situation.

Here are eight loans for unemployed people in Nigeria to consider:

1. National Poverty Eradication Program loan

The National Poverty Eradication Program loan is the second option for unemployed Nigerians. The government also offers this loan to people who are unemployed and unable to find work.

2. Loan from Palm Credit

Palm Credit is well-known for providing loans to unemployed Nigerians. You can also use it for other bank transactions, such as bill payments and transfers from one account to another.

This app does not take into account your employment status, and you must be at least 18 years old to apply for a loan through this platform.

To apply for a loan, simply download the app from the Google Play store, install it, open it, and follow the on-screen instructions. Your loan will be credited to your standard bank account in minutes if it is approved.

3. Loan from the National Social Safety Net Program

The National Social Safety Net Program loan is the first loan available in Nigeria for unemployed people. The government provides this loan to assist people who are unemployed and unable to find work.

4. CarrotPay Loan

This is one of the best loan platforms available, and it is ideal for your needs; with the CarrotPay Loan app, you won't have to worry about your employment status, and you won't have to go through a lengthy process before you can access a loan from the platform.

You can get a loan of up to N50,000 with a six-month repayment plan. They are also well-known for their low-interest rates and flexible repayment options, which make it simple for borrowers.

To apply for a loan through this platform, simply download the app from the Google Play store, then install it and follow the instructions.

5. National Emergency Employment Program loan

The National Emergency Employment Program loan is Nigeria's other loan option for unemployed people. The government provides this loan to assist people who are unemployed and unable to find work during times of emergency.

6. National Youth Employment and Social Intervention Program loan

The National Youth Employment and Social Intervention Program loan is the another option for unemployed Nigerians. The government offers this loan to assist young people who are unemployed and unable to find work.

7. Carbon

Carbon has evolved into one of the most trusted quick loan apps in the country. Their app is available for both Android and iOS devices. Carbon does not require much of your time before it will release funds.

All you need to access a loan is your BVN and some other information to confirm your eligibility. You will receive your loan in less than 24 hours once this is completed. With a 10% interest rate, loan repayment is simple. The minimum loan amount is #5,000.00.

8. Aella Credit

This platform is an online app, according to Aella. There are quick loans available here that are easily accessible. The Aella Credit app is specifically designed to provide loans to those in need with no credit requirements.

You can borrow up to #700,000 from us. Repayment options are very flexible and will last at least two months. Aella Credit's monthly interest rate ranges from 4 to 29 percent. The prices are reasonable. 


Can an unemployed person get a loan in Nigeria?

A: Yes, unemployed Nigerians are able to get loans from various financial institutions and lenders; however, they may be required to provide alternative forms of income or collateral to increase their chances of approval.

What is the fastest and easiest loan in Nigeria?

Palmcredit instant loan app is, by all accounts, Nigeria's fastest loan app, offering loan payouts of up to 100,000 NGN in under 3 minutes. Palmcredit loan repayment terms range from four to twenty-six weeks, with interest rates ranging from 5-28% at an annualised rate of between 24.5 and 56%.

Can I use my BVN to borrow money?

Yes, when applying for a loan in Nigeria, your BVN (Bank Verification Number) can be used to verify your identity and creditworthiness. As part of the loan application process, many lenders require borrowers to provide their BVN.

Can I get a loan if I'm not working?

Unemployed people may have a more difficult time qualifying for a loan because lenders typically require borrowers to demonstrate their ability to repay the loan. To increase their chances of approval, You may need to provide alternative forms of income or collateral.

How can I get a loan without salary account?

Some lenders may require borrowers to have a salary account in order to qualify for a loan, but there are other lending options available that do not. Borrowers, for example, may be able to provide alternative forms of income or collateral, or they may be able to consider peer-to-peer lending platforms or government-backed loan programs. 


Finally, loans for unemployed people in Nigeria can be a valuable financial resource for those struggling to make ends meet. While it may be more difficult for unemployed people to qualify for aloan, there are a variety of lending options available to meet their needs. It is important to thoroughly research and compare various lenders and loan products to ensure that you are getting the best terms and interest rates possible.

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