Naira to Pounds Aboki Blackmarket Exchange Rate Today

The black market, also known as the "Aboki market," exists due to discrepancies between the official exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the real-time demand for foreign currency. This disconnect creates a gap that the black market readily fills, offering a more fluid and often more favorable rate for those willing to operate outside the formal financial system.

While the black market offers convenience and flexibility, it also comes with inherent risks. Transactions are typically informal, conducted in cash and without any official documentation. This lack of oversight can lead to fraud, scams, and even exposure to counterfeit currency. Additionally, the black market is susceptible to fluctuations and manipulation, making it difficult to predict the exchange rate with certainty.

Naira to Pounds Aboki Blackmarket Exchange Rate Today

As of today, December 12, 2023, the Naira to Pounds Aboki exchange rate varies depending on your location and the specific BDC you choose. In the current scenario, the Naira Black Market exchange rate stands at 1520 Naira for 1 Great British Pound (GBP). This implies that for every 1 Pound exchanged, you receive 1520 Naira. The Black Market Exchange rate, being unregulated by the government, tends to be higher than the official exchange rate.

Several factors influence the Pounds to Naira Black Market Exchange rate, including the dynamics of supply and demand for Pounds, the prevailing political and economic situations in both the UK and Nigeria, and the overall value of the US dollar.

For those seeking to engage in GBP to NGN transactions on the black market, finding a reputable dealer is paramount. Reputable dealers can be located either online or in person, but caution must be exercised to avoid potential scams associated with currency exchange in the Naira Black Market.

Alternatives to the Aboki Market:

  1. Official Bureau de Change (BDC): Licensed BDCs offer a safer and more regulated alternative to the black market. While the rates may not be as competitive as Aboki, they provide a layer of legal and financial protection.
  2. Banks: Banks offer foreign currency exchange services, but the rates are often less favorable than those found in the BDC or Aboki markets.
  3. Online platforms: Several online platforms, such as AbokiFX and Travelex, allow you to compare exchange rates and book your currency exchange in advance. These platforms offer convenience and transparency, although the rates might not be as competitive as the Aboki market.

Tips for Exchanging Pound for Naira on the Black Market 

To ensure a secure and transparent exchange process, consider the following tips:

  1. Choose Reputable Dealers: Opt for well-known and reputable dealers when exchanging Pounds (GBP) for Naira.
  2. Request a Receipt: Always ask for a written receipt for the exchange transaction to document the details.
  3. Stay Informed: Be aware of the current Pound to Naira Black Market Exchange rate before initiating any currency exchange.
  4. Limit Large Transactions: To mitigate risk, avoid exchanging large amounts of Pound currency at once and opt for smaller transactions.


What is the Aboki rate?

The Aboki rate is the unofficial exchange rate for Naira to Dollar, determined by the forces of supply and demand in the black market. It operates outside of the official channels regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and is often seen as more flexible and responsive to economic realities.

Is it legal to use the black market?

While the black market exists, it operates outside of the legal framework established by the CBN. Therefore, using the black market carries inherent risks, including potential scams and exposure to counterfeit currency.

Is the Aboki rate always accurate?

The Aboki rate is an unofficial rate and can vary depending on the source and location. It is important to compare rates from different sources to get a more accurate picture.

What is the difference between the official exchange rate and the Aboki rate?

The official exchange rate is set by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and is the rate used for most official transactions. The Aboki rate is the unofficial exchange rate determined by the forces of supply and demand in the black market. It can be significantly different from the official rate.

Is it legal to use the Aboki market?

The use of the Aboki market is technically illegal in Nigeria. However, it is widely used and tolerated by the authorities.

Does Aboki Forex Trade (Exchange) Currencies?

No, Aboki Forex does not directly exchange currencies. They are primarily a platform that provides information about the black market exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira (NGN) and other currencies, particularly the United States Dollar (USD).

Why is the Aboki exchange rate different from the official CBN rate?

The official CBN rate is determined by a controlled auction system, while the Aboki market reflects the actual supply and demand of foreign currency. This often leads to a difference between the two rates.

What factors influence the Aboki exchange rate?

Several factors influence the Aboki exchange rate, including global oil prices, foreign exchange policies, political and economic stability, and demand for foreign currency.

Are the Black Market Rates accurate in all Markets?

While Aboki Forex strives to provide accurate and current black market rates, it's important to remember that these rates can vary significantly depending on location, transaction size, and individual dealers.

The Naira often experiences a decline whenever a drop in oil prices places strain on the economy. During such occurrences, the Naira struggles to recover its value unless the government intervenes by injecting more foreign exchange into the market. However, these interventions are deemed artificial and transient in nature. Historical patterns have demonstrated that such momentary interventions are insufficient to sustain the Naira in the long term. Experts recommend that the government focuses on diversification, a strategy that can contribute to the stabilization of the Naira over time. Diversification entails broadening the economic base beyond reliance on a single sector, ultimately reducing vulnerability to external shocks and fostering more robust currency stability.

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